Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Data Sharing Request


CB2 facilitates access to public and population health data resources.  These include registry and surveillance datasets maintained by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and Medicaid enrollment and insurance claims maintained by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). These resources are made available through a Memorandum of Understanding (ADHS) and an Intergovernmental Service Agreement (AHCCCS).

Information regarding the most commonly requested ADHS datasets can be found here (external site):

Additional information can be found here (external site):

All requests will be reviewed by the corresponding agency; the level of review will depend on the nature of the request (e.g. type of information being requested, suitability of the data requested to the project proposed, feasibility, etc.). All researchers are strongly advised to have completed the appropriate UA IRB determination prior to submitting the request. 

UA researchers can submit data requests by following the instructions and filling out the form(s) available here:

Submit a AHDS Data Request 

For more information (including the potential availability of ADHS resources not covered by the MOU) please contact Patrick Wightman


Where needed, CB2 provides Honest Brokers services for projects using either ADHS and AHCCCS datasets. These include:

• Redaction or transformation of PII fields in accordance with current guidance on De-Identified and Limited Data Sets.  For more information see

• Where feasible and approved, linking across administrative data sets

• Geocoding

**PLEASE NOTE** Depending on the nature and complexity of the request, there may be a cost for data preparation and delivery and researchers may be required to complete a Data Use Agreement (DUA).


As the designated Honest Brokers CB2 is responsible for ensuring compliance with the data security safeguards including:

• Ensuring only authorized personnel have access to the data, including agents or subcontractors;

• Ensuring only secure servers and encrypted devices are used;

• Prohibiting the use of non-encrypted flash drives, CDs, external drives, smart phones, or other non-networked hard drives;

• Asking the research team to demonstrate compliance with data security protocols;

• Ensuring compliance with security breach protocols; and

• Ensuring data destruction at project termination.

Design and graphics by Manuel Snyder