Data Science for Health Professionals Certificate
This is a certificate program for students enrolled in MD, PharmD, Nursing, and MD/PhD programs. The coursework is based in the fundamentals of statistics, healthcare decision-making and bioinformatics.
This certificate will be foundational for clinical and translational sciences, and the courses can also be used to “stack” with other certificates or used as required and electives for other MS or PhD work in data science.
The certificate program consists of 12 units. The required course work is from statistics, health outcomes or bioinformatics (9 units), and at least one advanced elective (3 units). We also will provide capstone and research experience through independent study for students in the certificate program to gain hands-on experience in using methods for data science that include Health Outcomes as well as Bioinformatics (large scale ‘omics) analyses.
These courses are structured to provide a foundation in statistical methods used in data sciences (MATH 571A, PHSC 513) and a concentration in Health Services (PHSC 524, PHSC 543) or concentration in bioinformatics (MCB 516A, MCB 547, MCB 548). Alternatively, students can get a wide breath of exposure by taking courses in both concentrations.